Terminology (Glossary)

Here is an explanation of terminology used in this site. 

Assertion Marks confident or forceful fact or belief in statement
Confirmation Marks the speakers desire to receive or show agreement
Conjunction Means to join multiple sentences or phrases into one
Contractions Shortened form of one or two words
Direct Object Marker Marker for the object receiving the action (thing being acted upon)
Dictionary Form How a word appears in the dictionary
Feminine Speech Sentence ending speech pattern interpreted as a soft voice
Kansai Terms Refers to terms of Japanese dialect originated in the kansai region of Japan
Long Form Sentence ending conjugation pattern in affirmative, negative, present, and past
Non-Past Affirmative Present or future tense of a positive statement
Noun Person, place or thing
Particle Words that show the relationships between other words in a sentence
Past Tense Verb tense showing something that has already happened.
Phrase Divider Splits up a sentence into phrases
Potential Form Form expressing the ability to do something
Question Marker Marks a question being asked
Short Form Conjugation form used in many situation for verbs, adjectives and nouns
Stem Form The part of the word that comes before ます(also referred to as pre-ますform)
Subject Marker Marks the noun that performs an action
Topic Marker Marks the topic of discussion
U- Verb Verbs that end with a (u) ending sound. (Some u-verbs end in る)
い- Adjective Adjectives that end in い
て- Form Conjugation pattern with multiple functions. (ie: join sentences, make a request, or give permission)
な- Adjective Adjectives that end in な
る- Verb Verbs that end with a (る) when written in dictionary form